If you are using RedHat 7 you might want to try the amanda 2.4.2 rpm
from RedHat's rawhide ftp.  It works well for me.


Raymond Bramwell wrote:
> Hi there!
> I was just wondering if anyone has successfully configured amanda to
> backup clients running xinetd rather than inetd!
> If so could someone let me know what you need to put in /etc/xinetd.conf
> 'cos I'm really stumped, I've tried the following:
> service amanda
> {
>         flags                           = REUSE NAMEINARGS
>         socket_type                     = dgram
>         protocol                        = udp
>         wait                            = yes
>         user                            = backup
>         server                          = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
>         server_args                     = amandad
> }
> And tried permutations of missing out the flags and server_args
> arguments.  In all these cases when I run amcheck on the amanda
> server it fails on this client with permission denied errors for each
> disk and the dumpdates file.  Before you ask, no its not
> a permissions problem because when I use inetd with:
> amanda dgram udp wait backup /usr/local/libexec/amandad amandad
> in /etc/inetd.conf it works fine!  The thing is I need to be using
> xinetd and not inetd.  Can anyone help?
> Ray.

Jeff Bearer, RHCE

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