yep, I have reliably backed up an NT PDC, and win98 workstation data
with amanda.  the only thing that does not get backed up is files open
for write, and things like the registery (because of the active file

> Hi,
> I need to backup some Windows-Machines and want to use a linux-server
> running amanda to do this.
> Has anyone experiences with the following backup scenario:
> Some Windows-Machines, running WIN98, WIN95 and WIN NT
> One LINUX-Machine which is used as a fileserver (via SAMBA)
> I want to mount the Windows-Filesystems on the LINUX-Host (with smbclient),
> and use amanda to backup everything.
> (The clients are running 24h a day)
> I have an Onstream DI-30 tapedrive, which (should) work fine with the new
> Linux Kernel.
> Thanks for any comments,
> best regards,
> Harald Husemann
> System Admin
> Materna GmbH, 44171 Dortmund

Ben Kochie               | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IMA Systems Office       | 400 Lind Hall, 207 Church St. SE   | Minneapolis, MN 55455-0463

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