
I am having the same problem that Gerrit Hommersom listed in his email dated 2001,2,27. I am not a programmer, but I'll provide as much info as possible to help solve the problem.

Load tape DailySet117 now
Continue? [Y/n]: y
restore: -f argument missing
restore: usage: restore [ -a <alt. workspace dir> ... ]
[ -b <blocksize> (use with minimal rmt option) ]
[ -c <media change alert program> ]
[ -e (don't overwrite existing files) ]
[ -f <source> ... ]
[ -h (help) ]
[ -i (interactive) ]
[ -m <force usage of minimal rmt> ]
[ -n <file> (restore only if newer than) ]
[ -o (restore owner/group even if not root) ]
[ -p <seconds between progress reports> ]
[ -r (cumulative restore) ]
[ -s <subtree> ... ]
[ -t (contents only) ]
[ -v <verbosity {silent, verbose, trace}> ]
[ -A (don't restore extended file attributes) ]
[ -D (restore DMAPI event settings) ]
[ -E (don't overwrite if changed) ]
[ -F (don't prompt) ]
[ -I (display dump inventory) ]
[ -J (inhibit inventory update) ]
[ -L <session label> ]
[ -O <options file> ]
[ -Q (force interrupted session completion) ]
[ -R (resume) ]
[ -S <session id> ]
[ -T (don't timeout dialogs) ]
[ -X <excluded subtree> ... ]
[ -Y <I/O buffer ring length> ]
[ - (stdin) ]
[ <destination> ]
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Continue? [Y/n]:

Chris Stone
The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
Laurel, MD

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