You know what's sad is, the more sarcasm added to a tech story, the more
_believable_ it becomes...

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >You are always such a great help in this mailing list, do you have a pay
> >pal account?  ...
> No (don't even know what that is).
> >I'd like to buy you a drink or a pizza or at least send you
> >the money for one :)
> Thanks.  I don't happen to drink (just a personal choice), my waistline
> doesn't tolerate pizza like it did 25 years ago (which really sucks :-),
> and Purdue pays me pretty well, but I appreciate the sentiment.
> Tell you what -- next time you're out and blissfully ignoring backups
> because you know they're running well due to Amanda, have a drink or
> pizza or whatever for me.
> Just don't blame me for the panic attack that happens when, right after
> you finish the pizza, you get a phone call:
>   Operations: "Was there anything very important on the even numbered
>             backup tapes?"
>   You:        (lengthy pause) "Why would you ask that?"
>   Operations: "Well, you see, someone brought in this cool magnet.  It's
>             really small and you wouldn't believe the pull that thing
>             has ..."
>   You:              "Yeah, yeah, but what about the tapes?"
>   Operations: "Ummm, there was this little incident.  Well, hardly an
>             incident, just kind of a tiny problem.  Well, maybe not
>             really a problem, more like ..."
>   You:              "GET ON WITH IT!"
>   Operations: "Oh!  Well, see, one of the other Operators (NOT ME!) was
>             walking around with the magnet and they got near the Pepsi
>             machine -- we could have sworn that thing was bolted down
>             -- and there was this big jar of molasses on top of it
>             and the tapes were sitting next to it and, well, anyway ..."
>             "Sorry."
>   You:        (dead silence -- literally)
>   Operations: "Oh, by the way, the boss just accidentally removed all the
>             files on one of the main servers, then went to two others to
>             see if the rm command he just read about worked the same way
>             everywhere.  He left to get to the golf course for tee time,
>             but says you need to restore those machines right away."
> At which point you realize that ignoring backups because you know they're
> running well is a really terrible idea, no matter how good the pizza.
> :-)
> >Jeff Bearer
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

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