>However, I'd like to create a "Monthly" profile to complement my
>"Daily" profile to do full backups of everything once a month.


>I  just have one problem in that I don't think that the "tapetype"
>program calculated the capacity of my tapes with hardware compression.

Tapetype deliberately defeats hardware compression by writing random data
(and it evens tells you that if you ask it for help).  It is meant for
determining the base (uncompressed) capacity of devices.

>It seems to me that the length should be between 30 and 40 gigs with
>hardware compression.  ...

That is **extremely** dependent on the data you're backing up.  If you
back up a file system of source, you'll get much higher compression than
if you back up a file system of JPEG images.

The Amanda approach to this (which needs work) is to set the compress
option to "none" in amanda.conf and to lie about the tape length based
on your own experience (i.e. set it to some number and if Amanda keeps
banging into EOT, crank it back some).  For instance, I have some DLT4000
drives and DLT-IV tapes, which gives me an uncompressed capacity of
~20 GBytes.  In my amanda.conf, I have "length 27000 mbytes" because
that seems to match the type of data we deal with.

>Luc Lalonde

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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