>I'm trying to do a full level 0 restore of a directory on our largest
>backed up partition.  ...
>I successfully used the amrecover technique to have Amanda restore off of
>the level 0 and all of the subsequent days, however I could tell that not
>everything got restored.  ...

Amrecover is not really set up for full restores.  Those often (as you
discovered) need other options to the restore program.

>...  However, after reading the gtar info pages, it seems that
>their interactive mechanism is not very easy to manipulate.

This came up here recently.  Because I don't know much about GNU tar,
it did not get covered well enough in "the chapter".  I'm reviewing that
at the moment and will try to improve the text.

Not that it helps you at the moment ... :-)

>restore[25]# amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 lou /dev/sd0g | /usr/local/bin/tar xwvf -
>amrestore:  11: restoring lou_dev_sd0g.20010313.0
>extract 07253617211/./?q

Uh, oh.  That big number on the front may spell serious trouble.

What version of GNU tar are you using?  Pretty much everything up to
1.13.17 had bad problems (as has been discussed on this list numerous

Do you have indexing turned on?  Do the index files look like the above,
i.e. have a big number at the front of every line?

I don't know that there is any way out of this either.  I don't recall
what the problem was with GNU tar or whether it was something that could
be "reversed".

Sorry.  I'm sure that's not exactly going to be the bright point of
your day.

If you gather some more information, such as poking around in the index
files or generating new catalogues (gtar -t) of the dumps, we might be
able to come up with a solution.

>As an aside, is there a way to force Amanda to accept two disklist entries
>for the same partition, but with different options?  ...

Since you're using GNU tar, you can use "logs" for one and "logs/."
for the other.

>Doug Silver

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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