> >When I changed the disklist on the server to the mount points instead of the
> >devices (eg. /usr/local instead of hda6 or /dev/hda6), it works fine.
> Great!
> >Is the reason for this:
> >a) because the computer we just fixed is running RedHat 7.0 as opposed to
> >Redhat 6.1 on the other....
this come probably from the new format for the /etc/fstab where disk disk names
are not specified....
LABEL=/tmp /tmp ext2 defaults 1 2
LABEL=/usr /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
> This is my best guess. They obviously changed some of the system calls
> for looking up mount point information, but since I don't run Linux,
> this is just guesswork on my part.
> >... it looks bad to have a disklist where one linux box has
> >drive labels listed and the other has mount points.
> Personally, I prefer mount points instead of disk names anyway. They
> are more likely to be persistent. But that's just my own opinion.
> >-Darrel
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]