> I am having difficulty getting amcheck to do a proper hostcheck...

Ummm, it's not amcheck (or Amanda's) fault.  They are just using what
the system provides ...

> ERROR: stallman: [host stallman.: hostname lookup failed]

What this says is that amandad on the client (yes, I know you said it's
the same machine) did a lookup of the IP address that connected to it and
got back hostname "stallman.".  Yes, it really got back that trailing dot.

Then it tried to turn around and look that name up and it failed.

> DNS is right, reverse lookups are right (the hostname is defined in
> /etc/hosts, as well as in DNS, my nsswitch.conf file is set to files,dns, a
> resolver can look it up, and can look up the reverse IP address).

I beg to differ :-).  Clearly something on your system is not doing the
IP to host conversion properly.

You might get these programs:


and try them out.  They use the exact same system call Amanda does.
Try the gethostbyaddr one first with all the possibly IP addresses Amanda
may have been given.  I'll bet one of them returns "stallman.".

> Micah

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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