I'm not sure why this happens:

  corp       hdc3 lev 0 FAILED [Request to corp timed out.]
  corp       hda3 lev 0 FAILED [Request to corp timed out.]
  corp       hda1 lev 0 FAILED [Request to corp timed out.]

this error happens every night, i have already verified that:

- the client (corp) is properly configured (correct entries are in
/etc/inetd.conf) and is listening and responding on the proper ports
- the server does not find this problem on client (corp) when i run
- the server and user (amanda) are set up in .amandahosts and .rhosts on
the client (corp)
- there is no firewall preventing direct communication between client
and server.

i've run amandad on client (corp) manually and it runs without err.

Any suggestions?
thanks in advance,


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