I've set amanda.conf to use all of the holding disk, minus 1Gb

holdingdisk hd2 {
    comment "smaller holding disk"
    directory "/eighteen1/amanda/lto"
    use -1Gb
    chunksize 250Mb

However, I am getting diskfull errors on that disk when amanda is backing
up .. 

Now I know there is another job running on that disk, that uses up quite
some diskspace, but that job stops when the freediskspace is less than 500M
and continues after that.

(i checked ;) )

However, amanda happily continues dumping until the disk is full, thena
borts the dump, and retries later on.

Any clue ?

Currently listening to: The Tea Party - Live - Egyptian Prayer - Halcyon Days (New 
Years Eve Buffalo)

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  If your watch is wound, wound to run, it will
 =`\<,  If your time is due, due to come, it will
(=)/(=) Living this life, is like trying to learn latin
                in a chines firedrill

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