
it's probably a good idea to keep ipchains on, behind your company
firewall anyway imho. If you decide to do so just add this to the

# Amanda
-A input -s -d 10080:10080 -p 17 -j ACCEPT
-A input -s backupserverip/ 1024:65535 -d
hostip/ 1024:65535 -p 6 -j ACCEPT

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, David Carter wrote:

> The amcheck debug file on the server looked like a normal amcheck (other
> than taking 30 seconds to complete):
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> amcheck: debug 1 pid 7865 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Fri Apr 20 17:59:42 2001
> amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
> amcheck: pid 7865 finish time Fri Apr 20 18:00:12 2001
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The problem, it turns out, was that ipchains had been installed on the
> server during the Red Hat 7.1 install.  Since the machine is already inside
> our company firewall I removed ipchains and now everything works.
> Thanks John, for your time and for responding.
> David Carter
> McLeodUSA Information Systems
> 281-465-1835

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