On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> You do understand that setting runtapes to 2 does not mean you will
> use 2 tapes every run, right?  It means that is the *most* tapes it
> will use, but if just one tape is sufficient for a given run, that's
> all that will be used.

Yes sir. That's the answer you gave me about 3 weeks ago when I asked
"what does this runtapes thing mean"?  :).

> If your device has cartridges that hold 22 tapes, that can cause things
> to get shifted so you don't swap the cartridges at "nice" points.

I've thought about it. It won't be as automatic as we want, but
a) we'll probably be backing up 2 tapes worth soon anyways
b) the sysadmin will just have to move tapes with a little more
intelligence :>.

Another option is that the ADIC doesn't have a tray or anything. The tapes
go into their own little slots. Thus, we can just swap out the ones we
know we've already used from "cartridge 1" and put in "cartridge 2" tapes
in their place. So long as amanda is convinced that it is a gravity
stacker and doesn't go backwards (your advice, again).  Thus, he can take
out the first 10 tapes when amanda gets to tape 11 and put in 23-32 there.
Then, when it starts sucking from the 23 bank, put in 32-44.

Thanks for the advice,


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