Why not?  Have you seen/had problems with recent versions of gnu tar, or
Sun's bundled tar?  I have seen problems with versions of tars 
interacting with each other, but not when using the same version/vendor.  
I do find it a bit strange that you would trust dump over tar regardless
of the comments made by Mr. Torvalds as far as data integrity goes.  I
definitely would prefer to use dump as well over tar, becuase of the speed
issues and the modification date issues, but if indeed what Linus says
is true.....


On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Jamie Bowden wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:
> :>Or you could just use gtar....
> :
> :As long as you don't mind altering the last access time of every file
> :that is backed up.
> That and tar of any flavor is not something I would willingly entrust
> backups to.
> Jamie Bowden
> -- 
> "It was half way to Rivendell when the drugs began to take hold"
> Hunter S Tolkien "Fear and Loathing in Barad Dur"
> Iain Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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