
on my private box at home, I have some drives with more diskspace
than the holding disk is able to hold. I already put some
directories directly into the disklist, but it's not really nice as
it is now, since even the directories can be larger than 6GB (the
holding disk is actually big enough for 5GB). Instead of putting now
every directory into the disklist, I would like to use RegEx within
the disklist and say one SaveSet is /path/to/save/[0-b] next one is
/path/to/save/[c-n] and /path/to/save/[o-z] or something similar. Is
this possible? I want to avoid putting every directory into the
disklist, I fear I would forget to add the next directories I create

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
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