"Bort, Paul" wrote:

> My guess would be the "Unknown tape drive type" is the cause of the problem.
> The problem is that in between the "-> status" and the "-> loaded",
> chg-manual is running the "mt status" command and hoping to find "ONLINE" in
> its results. In my version of mt, ONLINE is one of the General Status Bits.
> Once mt understands your tape drive, chg-manual should start working.
> Do you have another version of mt?

I upgraded mt from 0.5b to 0.6 but the "insert tape into slot  and press
return"-loop problem remains.

Even though the  "Unknown tape drive type" went away.  Now,
# tail changer.debug  shows:
     -> loaded <>
     -> rewind /dev/nht0
     -> status /dev/nht0
IDE-Tape (type code 0) ?
File number=0, block number=0.
mt_resid: 0, mt_erreg: 0x0
mt_dsreg: 0x200, mt_gstat: 0x0
General status bits on (0):

     -> loaded <>

Might that "(type code 0) ?" indicate a problem?

# cat amlabel.20010501135216.debug shows:
amlabel: debug 1 pid 11047 ruid 507 euid 507 start time Tue May  1 13:52:16

thank you,
george herson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Herson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 11:35 AM
> Subject: amlabel not seeing tape
> Hi. I'm trying to amlabel my Travan5 tape in my Linux 2.2.14-5.0
> machine but i get:  "insert tape into slot  and press return" in a
> loop.  Taking the tape out and putting it back in doesn't help.
> Pressing return just repeats the message.
> The exact command i'm using is:
> /usr/local/sbin/amlabel Dell-Full Dell-Full010430.
> More info:
> # cat /tmp/amanda/amlabel.20010430202942.debug shows:
> amlabel: debug 1 pid 9561 ruid 507 euid 507 start time Mon Apr 30
> 20:29:42 2001
> # tail /tmp/amanda/changer.debug shows:
>      -> rewind /dev/nht0
>      -> status /dev/nht0
> Unknown tape drive type (type code 0)
> File number=0, block number=0.
> mt_resid: 0, mt_erreg: 0x0
> mt_dsreg: 0x200, mt_gstat: 0x0
> General status bits on (0):
>      -> loaded <>
>      -> rewind /dev/nht0
> The tape, drive, and /dev/ht0 are known to work, with tar.
> Suggestions?  Thanks alot,
> george herson

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