"John R. Jackson" wrote:
> >Is the actual (eg, tar) command used by amdump recorded? Where?
> /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug and /tmp/amanda/sendbackup*debug on the client.
> > george
Thanks. I didn't know that because the sendsize*debug files i looked
inside didn't have the tar options because amdump wasn't getting that
So here's the tar command amanda used:
sendsize: argument list: /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory
/home/amanda --one-file-system --listed-incremental
--sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals .
In a test, i removed the --listed-incremental /usr/....amanda_0.new
option, and tar archived all my files, just how i like it. Why does
Amanda put that option there? And is it feasible/desirable to make it go
away for at least level 0 backups?
Another question: Why doesn't that /usr/...amanda_0.new file exist? I
have only a
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/dellmachine_home_amanda_0 file, with
contents 989184075
773 374412 ./.xauth).
thank u,