On Mon, 04 Jun 2001, Sandra Panesso wrote:

> Hi everybody:
> I have a HP surestore 24X6 autoloader and I using chg-zd-mtx 
> configuration file with
> dev                   /dev/nst0
> scsitapedev     /dev/sgb
> startuse              0
> enduse                5
> statfile              /usr/local/etc/amanda/miro_daily/tape0-slot
> the thing is that I have three files on /usr/local/etc/amanda/miro_daily 
> that really I don't know what they are mean. the files are:
> changer.conf-access

Tries to count how many times the drive is accessed.  Once a certain
number is reached, the cleaning process should kick in.  Only matters if
AUTOCLEAN is turned on.

> changer.conf-clean

Tells which slot the cleaning tape is in.  Since I don't have one
either, I had set in my config for it to be 0.  Again, only matters if

> changer.conf-slot

It is an indicator of what the next slot to be loaded will be.

> the true is that I don't have my tape cleaner yet so I don't know if it 
> is a big deal.
> Please any explanation, I  would really appreciated
> Sandra

   Jason Hollinden

   MH5 Systems Admin

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