I'm trying to set up a new installation of Amanda on an SGI running
IRIX 6.5.11.  First, are there any IRIX idiosyncracies I should know about.
Second, this should be a very easy installation (hit me if I'm being too optimistic).
All I would like Amanda to do is control a Quantum DLT-7000 jukebox, back up
one directory tree per day and change tapes for the next days backup.  So much
for the overview, now for the first question (there will, most likely be more because
this is my first time setting up Amanda).
In 2.1.B of the "Setting up your Amanda configuration", it says
to set the "no-record" option while testing, but I am unable to find where that
option is set, i.e., which section of "dumptype" in the amanda.conf
Thanks in advance,
Richard L. Fine
Mad Scheme Ltd.

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