>cobalt01.s /home lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
>sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar

This tells me two things.  First, that at this time you were using GNU
tar to do the backup, and second that the Amanda server side waited half
an hour and didn't get any data from the client (which triggered the
"data timeout").  That's a very long time to wait, but you can increase
it with the dtimeout amanda.conf parameter (but see below first).

>Suddenly, last week the messages changed somewhat.  ...
>cobalt01.s /var lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /var in
>cobalt01.somewhere.nl response]
>cobalt01.s /home lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /home in
>cobalt01.somewhere.nl response]

These messages mean planner on the server didn't get the estimate from
the client.  It could be that it took too long, in which case you may
need to increase etimeout in amanda.conf, or it might mean something
else is wrong (keep reading ... :-).

>When I execute a 'amcheck hosting' on the sun machine ...

Since you're not familiar with Amanda, running "amcheck" is always the
first thing you should do when things start going wrong.  It does a pretty
good job of looking for problems and diagnoses them better than amdump.

>I get the following message: ...
>ERROR: cobalt01.somewhere.nl: [can not access /dev/md4 (/home): Permission
>ERROR: cobalt01.somewhere.nl: [DUMP program not available]
>ERROR: cobalt01.somewhere.nl: [can not read/write /etc/dumpdates: No such
>file or directory]

These three errors, taken together, imply Amanda has now been told
to back up /home with dump rather than GNU tar.  That means either
the disklist changed and a different dumptype is now being referenced,
or the dumptype definition in amanda.conf has changed.  In either case,
you need to get this problem fixed (and amcheck happy) before it's going
to start working again.

Try this on the server as the Amanda user:

  amadmin <config> disklist cobalt01.somewhere.nl /home

My guess is the output will include the line:

  program "DUMP"

If you want to use dump now instead of GNU tar, you need to install it
on the client (make sure you get a recent version -- several old ones
are known to be bad).  You'll also need to change the permissions on
/dev/md4 and /etc/dumpdates.  Usually this is done by putting them in
a group the Amanda user is a member of and setting group read (for /dev
entries) and group read/write (for /etc/dumpdates).

If you want to use GNU tar, you'll have to find out what changed in
either the disklist or amanda.conf files and put it back.

>Can I delete indexfiles and infofiles which are stored on the Sun backup
>machine? could that be the problem?

That is not the problem and will not help.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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