>I'm getting the following error ...

That error comes from the operating system, not Amanda.  Amanda is just
reporting to you what the OS told it.  You might check your system logs to
see if any more detail is being reported, but even if it is it probably
just translates to "media error" (one of my favorite "pass the buck"
error codes :-).

>... i use 40Gb DLT's ...

Are you using a DLT8000 with DLT-IV tapes?  That would be rated at 40
GBytes without hardware compression.

Or are you using a DLT4000 with DLT-IV tapes?  Those are rated at 20
GBytes without hardware compression and the only way you'd get 40 GBytes
is with 50% compression, which depends a lot on the type of data you have,
but my site certainly never get anywhere near that.

Are you using hardware compression?  If so, do you have software
compression turned off?

>... if i read right, Amanda 
>is complaining of running out of tape after less than 40Gb - the place where 
>the dump fails changes each day (after 2 Gb, 16 Gb, 20 Gb, 7 Gb, ...)

The important line to look for is this one:

  taper: tape DAILY15 kb 16747360 fm 94 writing file: Input/output error

This says taper got the error at ~16 GBytes.

>I tried to use other tapes and another streamer ...

Have you checked to make sure the bus is terminated properly (not too
much, not too little, but just right :-)?

You might check or swap out the cable, or at least make sure it is
seated correctly.  It's surprising how often that causes trouble.

Next would be isolating the tape device so nothing else is on the bus.

Have you tried cleaning the drive (even if it doesn't say it wants to
be cleaned)?

Are your tapes stored in a good environment (temperature, humidity)?

Are your operators careful handling them?  DLT media is particularly
sensitive to rough treatment.  A box of our tapes was dropped a couple
of feet and every tape began to fail much like you're seeing.

>Francis 'Dexter' Gois

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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