amstatus gives me this interesting news:
-------------------- <amstatus report> -------------------
Using /usr/local/etc/amanda/hosting2/amdump from Fri Jun 29 12:24:55 MET DST 2001               0    2624k finished (12:25:18)              0  162630k dumping    43744k ( 26.90%) (12:26:41)               0   16192k finished (12:26:41)
SUMMARY          part     real estimated
                          size      size
partition       :   3
estimated       :   3             181400k
failed          :   0                  0k           (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   0                  0k           (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   0                  0k           (  0.00%)
dumping         :   1    43744k   162630k ( 26.90%) ( 24.11%)
dumped          :   2    18816k    18770k (100.25%) ( 10.37%)
wait for writing:   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :   2    18816k    18770k (100.25%) ( 10.37%)
3 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper idle
network free kps:     5165
holding space   :   134240k ( 45.20%)
 dumper0 busy   :  0:01:42  ( 99.79%)
   taper busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.13%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)
 1 dumper busy  :  0:01:42  (100.00%)        no-bandwidth:  0:01:12  ( 70.44%)
                                               start-wait:  0:00:30  ( 29.39%)
-------------------- </amstatus report> -------------------
This means that the backup has been started but hangs during the process... a time out of 1 hour doesn't help very much..
On the Cobalt machine I ran TOP, with the following processes at the very bottom of the list, while on top until it hung!
-------------------- <top report> -------------------
14308 amanda     0   0   740  740   676 S       0  0.0  0.1   0:00 sendbackup
14309 amanda     0   0   728  728   668 S       0  0.0  0.1   0:02 sendbackup
14310 root       0   0   812  812   520 S       0  0.0  0.1   0:03 gtar
14311 amanda     0   0     0    0     0 Z       0  0.0  0.0   0:00 sh <defunct>
-------------------- </top report> -------------------
Does this help any further? or is there any way in which I can see at which particular file it hangs itself?
Thanks again..

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