first of all, amanda seems to be running. I can make amdump and amrestore
but I need further testing. Nevertheless here are the answers:

> >... In my installation it is
> >     Data Transfer Element:  Full (Unknown Storage Element Loaded)
> What version of mtx are you using?  I looked at the sources for 1.2.13
> (and 1.2.11) and don't see how it can generate this line.  It always
> includes the device number, e.g.:
It looks like to be 1.1-240 (included with the suse 7.1 distribution).
The chg-zd-mtx runs when you change in readstatus()
sed -n 's/Data Transfer Element 0:Empty/-1/p;s/Data Transfer Element
0:Full (Storage Element \(.\) Loaded)/\1/p'`


sed -n 's/Data Transfer Element:.*Empty/-1/p;s/Data Transfer Element:.*Full (Storage 
Element \(.\) Loaded)/\1/p'`

Perhaps it's a different response of this Overlan changer. Anyway,
with this changes the error
        [: -lt: unary operator expected

>   Data Transfer Element 128:  Full (Unknown Storage Element Loaded)
> Also, what do you have tapedev set to in amanda.conf?


> >BTW the chg-zd-mtx does only run mtx status (without the -f option).
> That's because it sets the TAPE environment variable from the changerdev
> value in amanda.conf.  Mtx will use that if -f is not on the command line.
> >Peter
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BTW, the day befor I had a question regarding the error

  changer: opening pipe to: /usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx -slot next
  taper: slot /usr/bin/mt:: no tape online

I got rid of this error by inserting a seep 100 in loadslot()

# If there is an error, abort unless the slot is simply empty

if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then
        empty=`echo $result | grep "is Empty"`
        if [ -z "$empty" ]; then
                echo "$loadslot $result"
                exit 2
            loadslot next
        # ==> inserted sleep 100 so the tape has time do calibrate
        # and get ready
        /bin/sleep 100
        # Don't assume the drive is ready until we stop getting tape off
        # line


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