Ok, I have a system on a different network I want to back up. I can't
access it directly from my amanda server because of IP masquerading.
So my thought was that I would have the gateway system that sits
between these two nets nfs-mount the filesystems from the system I
want to back up. amanda could then back up the nfs dirs. Any problem
with that?
I think this would work ok if I used gnu tar, but I have a problem:
the system I want to back up is a laptop, so it's not always on the
net. Thus, I need some way for the backup server to tell the gateway
to do the nfs mounts at backup time, and skip them if the laptop is
not available.
Problem: how does the amanda user on the backup server tell the root
user on the gateway to make the nfs mounts? If I can do that, it's a
simple matter to do some sort of wrapper script around the backup
process that takes care of the mounts.
Any ideas on that? Only thing I've thought of so far is some sort of
tomfoolery with ssh, like allowing root logins w/o passwords. Seems
dangerous, though.
Philip J. Hollenback