
answer greatly appreciated.

"John R. Jackson" schrieb:
> >500 Access not allowed: [access as operator not allowed from
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]] open of /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts failed
> ># whoami
> >root
> Running tests as root is cheating :-).  Try running them as "operator".
> ># pwd
> >/usr/home/operator
> ># ls -alF
> >-rw------- 1 operator  operator    69 Jul 13 16:16 .amandahosts
> OK, that looks all right.  How about:
>   # cd /
>   # su operator -c cat /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts
> Make sure you give the full path.  I suspect that will fail.
> Check the permissions of the /usr, /usr/home and /usr/home/operator
> directories to make sure "operator" can get through them (I'm betting
> that's where the problem is).

# su operator -c "ls -l /"
drwxr-xr-x  20 root      wheel     512 <ctime> /usr
# su operator -c "ls -l /usr"
drwxr-xr-x   8 root      wheel     512 <ctime> home
# su operator -c "ls -l /usr/home"
drwxr-xr-x   3 operator  operator  512 <ctime> operator
# su operator -c "ls -l /usr/home/operator"
-rw-------   1 operator  operator   69 <ctime> .amandahosts
# su operator -c "cat /usr/home/operator/.amandahosts"

This was not the reason why it fails. Any other ideas?

-Christoph Sold

N.B: Operator has neither password nor login shell set for security
reasons. Is any of those neccessary?

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