On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 07:40:28AM -0700, Chad Gasaway wrote:
> U-N-S-U-B-S-C-R-I-B-E 

[ Preceding altered to avoid any majordomo administrivia trap
that might be in place ... list maintainer, hint hint hint! ]

> This is the 7th time!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The information in this email is confidential and may be legally
> privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this
> email by anyone else is unauthorized.
> If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, 
> distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on
> it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Perhaps Mr. Gasaway does not understand the clear and simple
instructions found at http://www.amanda.org, or perhaps he
has no intention to unsubscribe, but merely wishes to make a 
nuisance of himself. 

If he actually wished to unsubscribe, he might send email to



   unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in the body of the message.  But for reasons that are not
clear, he refrains from doing so, instead choosing harrassment as 
his course of action.

Perhaps he has already tried to unsubscribe in this way and has
failed.  The website appears to be lacking the email address of
a human being, for taking care of such situations.  From my
experience with other majordomo lists, I'd guess that such an email 
address might be:





----- End forwarded message -----

 Dan Wilder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Technical Manager & Editor
 SSC, Inc. P.O. Box 55549   Phone:  206-782-8808
 Seattle, WA  98155-0549    URL http://embedded.linuxjournal.com/

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