>I want to know what happens if the backup server (where the index
>files are stored) crashes.  Is there a way for amanda to re-index a
>tape?  ...

The short answer is "no".

The longer answer is that this is harder than you might think.  In the
general case, Amanda would have to send the image back to the original
client to have it re-indexed, which is obviously a big deal to set up.
The reason is that the program(s) needed to read/parse the image may not
exist on the tape server machine.  For example, my servers are Solaris
but I back up AIX machines (and I don't use GNU tar).

>Do I need to be duplicating all the amanda stuff elsewhere as a

Depends on what you mean by "all the amanda stuff".

I would definitely push/pull all the Amanda configuration information
(amanda.conf, curinfo database, log files, tapelist, etc) to one or more
alternate machines.  That will make life a whole lot easier when things
go really wrong.

For the index files, you might include it in the backups of the tape
server itself.  There are some timing issues (backing up the area
while new index files are being written), but it might be good enough,
depending on your environment (that's what we do).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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