
I'd like to recover a file from the backup using amrecover.
Unfortunately amrecover tells me, that there is no index available for
the given disk/date/host. BUT: As fas as I can see, there are all index
files in the index directory /usr/adm/amanda...

We had some problems this week because the backup server could not talk
to the tape drive (mt status failed as well) and all backups stayed on
the holding disk. The problem is fixed right now (just by waiting), I
performed an amflush and thought that now everything should go one like

The backups were flushed to the tape NEURO006 and I would have expected
that amanda requests tape NEURO007 next, but it tells me that it would
like a new tape. Am I right that I would have been informed if one tape
were not enough for amflush?!?

Something else is strange: after amflush I tried amcheck still having
tape NEURO006 in the tape drive. And amcheck was happy. It was happy
with NEURO007 as well.

Could the problems accessing the tape drive during the last days have
left some corrupt info files?!?

I would really be glad to get some advice where to look and what to do!

Thank you,

Christina Rossmanith

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