>(no size line match in above gnutar output)

That line says GNU tar terminated but did not give Amanda an answer.
What happens if you run this **as root** on that client:

  /bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null --directory /Local \
    --one-file-system --listed-incremental /dev/null \
    --sparse --ignore-failed -read --totals .

I'm guessing you'll see some kind of error message.  I would further guess
that /Local is NFS mounted and root no longer has access from that client
(or something like that).

>I can't send the sendbackup.debug file because I have only report for my 
>other partion /usr/local not for /Local partition and I don't understand 
>why I can't have this report, I though that with  this amanda version I 
>could have debug information for every partition that I try to back up.

You do have debug information for every file system it tried to back up.
It didn't try to back up /Local because the estimate failed.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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