On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:
> >... I haven't touched something since weeks.
> Yeah, yeah, yeah.  We've all heard that story before :-).

He he....really! :-)))

> >Here is, what amanda report says:
> >? sendbackup: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
> What else was in the Amanda report, in particular about this disk or
> from taper?

Nothing, except the STRANGE messages coming with backing up
windows shares over Samba.

first fail on Monday night: no error message
second fail on Tuesday night: nothing, but planner said someting:
  planner: Last full dump of shop:hda4 on tape enlog-std002 overwritten on
  this run.
Wednesday night: nothing about this special disk
last night: nothing but tape is [OK]

> This typically means the backup was going along OK and the tape server
> side shut down for some reason, such as running out of holding disk
> space or running out of tape.  The "index tee cannot write" is just a
> symptom of something else going on.

Hmmm...I have 50 GB on holding disk, backup was about 10 GB
and this special disk has only 500 MB used.

Now, weekly backup will start in half an our and I will watch
whats happening.

Thanks, Gaby
enlog AG                        Daimlerstr. 15 - 89079 Ulm
Dipl. Inf. Gaby Hornik          Germany
Systems Administrator           Tel.:  +49 731 2075134
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Fax:   +49 731 2075109

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