thomas graichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> OK, what happens if you define it, may be you hit a bug :-), no you hit
>>> a bug, will fix it. In the meantime try to set labelfile.

>> didn't help (at least with an empty labelfile it still coredumps)
>> - but i got chg-scsi to do what i wanted it to do without crashing
>> by commenting out some calls to MapBarCode (which i think you are
>> working on fixing so that it plays nice without a labelfile :-)

> ok - i think i was too fast - looks like the code is already
> merried to much with the MapBarCode already to get it working
> with simple uncommenting it - so please tell me if you have
> any fix to try out

> also tried to define labelfile - it will then also create it
> with the version number :2: inside but some operations then
> hang (eject, reset) forever

> some questions: what is the syntax for the labelfile? - is the
> idea to also use it for just matching slots to labels for
> changers without barcodes?

some more info: it looks like it works halfway with the labelfile
now but what i interpreted as hang means that it is _extremely_
slow ... i can for instance do an amtape config show and will
get a correct result after about two hours for a hp dat
changer with 6 slots ... it looks like something is
going wrong here ... and it is not the problem
of the changer or the scsi changer interface
- it was faster with my "no MapBarCode"
try before ... any idea what might be
wrong here? any more info i may

again - thanks in advance


thomas graichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... perfection is reached, not
when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no
longer anything to take away. --- antoine de saint-exupery

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