
so as of late im running amanda to make nice shiny backups of all my servers.
Now ive tried for the first time to actually recover soemthing and lo and 
behold, im running into problems.

what im trying to do is recover a few files of one of the partitions i back up
whats happening is the following:

AMRECOVER Version 2.4.1p1. Contacting server on backup ...
220 backup AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-08-07)
200 Working date set to 2001-08-07.
200 Config set to work.
200 Dump host set to xxx.
$CWD '/home/httpd/htdocs/tsv_entwicklung/templates/spiele/spielplan' is on 
disk 'sda8'
mounted at '/home'.
200 Disk set to sda8.
WARNING: not on root of selected filesystem, check man-page!
amrecover> ls
2001-08-07 .
2001-08-07 index.html
2001-08-07 index_00_01.html
2001-08-07 index_alt.html
amrecover> add index.html
Added /httpd/htdocs/tsv_entwicklung/templates/spiele/spielplan/index.html
amrecover> extract
Extracting files using tape drive /dev/null on host backup.
The following tapes are needed: ABT451
Restoring files into directory 
Continue? [Y/n]:
Load tape ABT451 now
Continue? [Y/n]:
EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file.
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1


amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 19204 ruid 502 euid 502 start time Tue Aug  7 
17:18:34 2001
amidxtaped: version 2.4.2p2
bsd security: remote host xxx user root local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
> 6
> -h
> -p
> /dev/null
> xxx
> ^sda8$
> 20010807
Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /usr/local/amanda/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "/dev/null"
argv[4] = "xxx"
argv[5] = "^sda8$"
argv[6] = "20010807"
amrestore: missing file header block
amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
amrestore:   0: reached end of tape: date ^L
amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 1
Rewinding tape: done
amidxtaped: pid 19204 finish time Tue Aug  7 17:18:34 2001

not having much experience with amanda and all im a bit stumped as to whats 
going on here

anyone got any ideas?

Arne Hueggenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Administrator
Sports & Bytes GmbH

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