For some strange reason that doesn't work. The backup always fails with:

sendsize: getting size via dump for /dev/vx/dsk/tmp_perforce/vol01 level 0
sendsize: running "/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0sf 1048576 - /dev/vx/rdsk/tmp_perforce/vol01"
running /usr/local/libexec/killpgrp-2.4.1p1
  DUMP: Warning - super-block on device `/dev/vx/rdsk/tmp_perforce/vol01' is corrupt - 
run fsck
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.

Can anybody tell me why ufsdump is being used instead of vxdump?
I built the amanda client on the machine with the disk and configure found
vxdump and vxrestore.


                    "Jolet, John"                                                      
                    <John.Jolet@m        To:     "'Silke Mueller'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
          >            cc:                                           
                                         Subject:     RE: trouble backing up with tar  

use dump.  it runs dump on the 2.6 machine, then pipes the stuff through to
the amanda server.  I'm backing up aix boxes using aix's backup to a linux
amanda server.  the dump program is local to the client.

-----Original Message-----
From: Silke Mueller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 5:48 AM
Subject: trouble backing up with tar


I want to back up a 40 GB disk with gnutar and a DLT 7000.
There are approximately 1.300.000 files on the disk and
the dump exits with the error message
"driver: result time 8235.753 from dumper0: FAILED 01-00002 [data timeout]".
There are no other errors. Btw. the etimeout is 15000.

I don't use dump, because the disk is vxfs on a Solaris 2.6 machine
and my backup server is a Solaris7 machine without any vxfs.

Any ideas how to solve this?


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