hello all,

i've been trying to get amanda to backup one of my DEC boxes for the past
couple of days, but i can't seem to get it going on the 5.1 flavor.  works
fine on my 4.0f and 4.0d boxes.  am i doing something weird?.. i've tried
all different combos for disklist entries, but i can't seem to get it going:

entries in my fstab file for /usr (client):
usr_domain#usr /usr advfs rw,userquota,groupquota 1 2

disklist (all possible combos i can think of.. 
they all relate to /usr partition):
i know just the 1st, 2nd, and last should work (server)
iridium.us.lhsgroup.com /dev/rrz0a always-full
iridium.us.lhsgroup.com /dev/rz0a always-full
iridium.us.lhsgroup.com /rz0a always-full
iridium.us.lhsgroup.com rz0a always-full
iridium.us.lhsgroup.com /usr always-full

here's what i get after running amdump from amreport:
  iridium.us /usr lev 0 FAILED [disk /usr offline on
  iridium.us rz0a lev 0 FAILED [disk rz0a offline on
  iridium.us /rz0a lev 0 FAILED [disk /rz0a offline on
  iridium.us /dev/rz0a lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/rz0a offline on
  iridium.us /dev/rrz0a lev 0 FAILED [disk /dev/rrz0a offline on

all errors in the /tmp/sendsize.???.debug look like this (client):
sendsize: debug 1 pid 23763 ruid 105 euid 105 start time Tue Aug 14 09:57:55
/usr/local/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.2p2
calculating for amname '/dev/rrz0a', dirname '/dev/rrz0a'
sendsize: getting size via dump for /dev/rrz0a level 0
sendsize: running "/sbin/dump 0Esf 1048576 - /dev/rrz0a"
running /usr/local/libexec/killpgrp
dump: Bad file system specification or bad file system.  The raw device must
dump: be entered when the file system's pathname has not been entered in the
dump: fstab file.  A bad file system is reported when the the magic number
dump: is not found in the super block.
dump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted
(no size line match in above dump output)

id, group, and perm checks on the client:
# ls -l /dev |grep z0a
crw-rw----   1 amanda   system     8,    0 Nov  1  2000 rrz0a
brw-rw----   1 amanda   system     8,    0 Nov  1  2000 rz0a

# id amanda
uid=105(amanda) gid=0(system)

# groups amanda 

i'm stumped again.  any help would be appreciated.  TIA.

Highest Regards,

Edwin R. Rivera
UNIX Administrator
Tel:  +1 305 894 4609
Fax:  +1 305 894 4799

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