I didn't catch any answers to this the first time, but I may have
missed it -- so I'm resending.

-- Lorrie

----- Forwarded message from Lorrie Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:40:24 -0700
From: Lorrie Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Reading Indices
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

        I have a fairly simple Amanda setup:

        Amanda: 2.4.2
        Server OS: Red Hat 6.1
        Client OS: Solaris 2.6
        GNU tar: 1.13.11 (Linux) / 1.13 (Solaris)

        The index files work great... for the past three days. history
from amrecover shows:

amrecover> history
200- Dump history for config "bertha-us" host "us" disk "/export/home/us0"
201- 2001-08-23 4 DailySet155 3
201- 2001-08-22 4 DailySet154 3
201- 2001-08-21 4 DailySet153 3

        ... only I have indices from much further back:

[root@bertha _export_home_us0]# pwd
[root@bertha _export_home_us0]# ls
20010630_0.gz  20010712_3.gz  20010725_3.gz  20010807_3.gz  20010818_4.gz
20010630_3.gz  20010713_3.gz  20010726_3.gz  20010808_3.gz  20010821_4.gz
20010703_1.gz  20010714_3.gz  20010727_3.gz  20010809_3.gz  20010822_4.gz
20010704_2.gz  20010717_3.gz  20010728_0.gz  20010810_3.gz  20010823_4.gz
20010705_3.gz  20010718_3.gz  20010731_1.gz  20010811_3.gz  
20010706_3.gz  20010719_3.gz  20010801_2.gz  20010814_3.gz
20010707_3.gz  20010720_3.gz  20010802_2.gz  20010815_3.gz
20010710_3.gz  20010721_3.gz  20010803_2.gz  20010816_4.gz
20010711_3.gz  20010724_3.gz  20010804_3.gz  20010817_4.gz

        ... and logs, too!

[root@bertha DailySet1]# ls log*
log.20010726.0  log.20010804.0  log.20010813.0  log.20010815.0  log.20010817.5
log.20010727.0  log.20010807.0  log.20010813.1  log.20010816.0  log.20010817.6
log.20010728.0  log.20010807.1  log.20010813.2  log.20010817.0  log.20010818.0
log.20010731.0  log.20010808.0  log.20010813.3  log.20010817.1  log.20010821.0
log.20010801.0  log.20010809.0  log.20010814.0  log.20010817.2  log.20010821.1
log.20010802.0  log.20010810.0  log.20010814.1  log.20010817.3  log.20010822.0
log.20010803.0  log.20010811.0  log.20010814.2  log.20010817.4  log.20010823.0

        How can I access the index data from those older dates? I need 
to pull something off the 7 August tape, but trying that only gets me:

amrecover> setdate ---07
200 Working date set to 2001-08-07.
No index records for cwd on new date
Setting cwd to mount point

        No, the index files aren't corrupt, I already checked. Here's the head
of last nights...

[root@bertha _export_home_us0]# head 20010823_4

        So what's up with this?

        Thanks in advance!

-- Lorrie

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