On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 11:49:51AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I've about got amanda working with a Compaq/Seagate 4586 now, but one 
> thing I need to clarify.
> When I issue as user amanda, "amverify config 2" it should proceed to 
> do a verify run on slot 2's contents, or at least thats how I 
> understand it.
> What it does, even if slot 2 is loaded with the correct tape, is to 
> give an error from amtape indicating it can't load or read the tape.
> It then proceeds to look at slot 3, see's a labeled but otherwise blank 
> tape there, then goes back to slot 1, does a full verify on that tape, 
> then reloads slot 2 and does a verify on that tape, which is what it 
> should have done in the first place.  Is this a bug, or am I not 
> issueing the correct command syntax?
> Inquiring minds want to know.

if you use chg-scsi it's a bug, and i'm working on a fix ....


  |  Thomas Hepper        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
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