On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 01:06:31PM -0700, Michael Hall wrote:

We got the HP 24x6i DAT changer I had asked about and finally got a chance
to start playing with it. We're running BSD/OS 4.2 and I grabbed the
latest tarball (2.4.2p2) and having been making much headway. Got it
compiled, installed and setup the chg-scsi.conf only to get errors that
it couldn't run chg-scsi, and sure enough after looking at it chg-scsi
didn't even get built :-( There is no chio, mtx, etc. available under
BSD/OS 4.2, I grabbed mtx-1.2.13 (sourceforge) and it didn't even begin
to compile before bombing out, so it looks like chg-{chio,mtx} are out.

Not familiar with changers myself, this is the first, but what are the
options for getting this thing running with amanda and BSD/OS 4.2?
Anybody else here have this combo or something similar working?


Women are like programs. A smart man keeps a backup.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Admin - riverside.org                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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