Darin Dugan wrote:
> At 04:01 PM 8/28/2001, Kurt Yoder wrote:
> >Hello
> >My level 0 dumps seem to be getting overwritten. I run amadmin and see
> >only level 1 dumps:
> >[...]
> >Am I setting up my configuration file correctly? I've got:
> >
> >dumpcycle 7 days
> >runspercycle 6
> >tapecycle 2 tapes
> So you're telling Amanda to make sure she has a full (level 0) backup of
> everything at least every 7 days, spread into 6 runs. But you're only
> giving her 2 tapes! *Buy more tapes!* Really.
> >I've got a third tape in my tapelist so I can flush dumps from my
> >holding disk. I'm trying to do 6 backups every 7 days (the 7th day has a
> >weekly backup set that isn't part of this configuration) using two tapes
> >(alternate between them).
> If you absolutely have to stick with two tapes, you pretty much need to do
> full dumps every run to be safe. (Take for instance the case where tape1
> has level0's, tape2 has level1's, you go to do level0's on tape1 again and
> there's an error and the tape is fubar'd. You've just lost all hope of a
> restore.) Use 'dumpcycle 0' in the dumptype to force level 0's.
> >I must be setting up my "numbers" wrong, or?
> Or you need more tapes!

Thanks for the info. I am probably still a bit foggy on the concepts
behind "dumpcycle", "runspercycle", and "tapecycle". 


In my case, I _must_ use at least 6 tapes in order for amanda not to
overwrite any of its level 0 backups? 
If I wanted to use only 2 tapes, I would need to set "runspercycle" to
"tapecycle" must always be >= "runspercycle"? 
Are there any advantages to making "tapecycle" > "runspercycle"?
If I have "tapecycle" at 6, and define 7 tapes in the tapelist, Amanda
cycles through all 7 tapes, with a level 0 at a minimum of every 6 runs
(every 7 days, in my case)?

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