
I'm getting a weird error on one of my amanda clients (2.4.1p1 on
freebsd 4.2 using gnu tar v 1.13) that I'm having trouble understanding:


/-- galadriel. /usr lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
sendbackup: start [galadriel.shcorp.com:/usr level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? sendbackup: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
sendbackup: error [/usr/bin/tar got signal 13, index returned 1]

/tmp/amanda/sendbackup.debug says:

sendbackup: debug 1 pid 25453 ruid 1000 euid 1000 start time Thu Sep  6
02:08:29 2001
/usr/local/libexec/amanda/sendbackup: got input request: GNUTAR /usr 0
1970:1:1:0:0:0 OPTIONS
  parsed request as: program `GNUTAR' disk `/usr' lev 0 since
1970:1:1:0:0:0 opt
sendbackup: exclude list file "/usr/local/lib/amanda/exclude.gtar" does
not exist, ignoring
  waiting for connect on 2473, then 2474, then 2475
  got all connections
sendbackup: doing level 0 dump as listed-incremental:
sendbackup: doing level 0 dump from date: 1970-01-01  0:00:00 GMT
sendbackup: spawning "/usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar" in pipeline
sendbackup: argument list: "gtar" "--create" "--directory" "/usr"
"--sparse" "--one-file-system" "--ignore-failed-read" "--totals"
"--file" "-" "."
sendbackup-gnutar: pid 25456: /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar --create
--directory /usr --listed-incremental
--sparse --one-file-system --ignore-failed-read --totals --file
- .
sendbackup: started index creator: "/usr/bin/tar -tf - 2>/dev/null | sed
-e 's/^\.//'"
index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
error [/usr/bin/tar got signal 13, index returned 1]

any ideas on how to fix this? TIA!

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