On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Fernyhough Mark wrote:
> Hi
> I have just run tapetype on Quantum SuperDLT1 tape (SPARC Solaris8)
> tapetype -e 110g -f /dev/rmt/0bn -t SuperDLT1 yeilds
> define tapetype SuperDLT1 {
>       comment         "blar blar"
>       length          96868   mbytes
>       filemark                0       kbytes
>       speed           9142    kps
> }
> Do these figures look right especially the filemark entry ?
> Cheers
> Mark

  I'm using those tapes, and based on empirical evidence, they look right,
except maybe the filemark, I can't verify that. The tapes are supposed to
be 110 GB, so since you only got 97 MB out of it, perhaps the filemark
isn't right after all?


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