Around October 30, 2001, the system housing amanda-users crashed.  When
it was resurrected, the file with the amanda-users list in it had zeroed
out and I did not notice.

That got brought to my attention today, but unfortunately, my tape cycle
is only eight days, so the last good backup of the file was erased
quite some time ago.

As a result, I've taken the list from the way it was back when it
was hosted at in 9/1998, and applied all the changes that
majordomo had logged since then.

In theory, this means that the list is exactly how it should be, but
reality may be different.

Should you have been inadvertently placed back on to the list, you can
unsubscribe by sending a message containing 'subscribe amanda-users' or
'unsubscribe amanda-users' to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have any problems with unsubscribing or otherwise with the list,
please direct them at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

amanda-hackers and amanda-announce were unaffected.

Needless to say, anyone who sent a message in November may want to
consider re-sending it...

(Amanda Core Team)

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