I am using an Exabyte 10h changer with an 8505XL drive. I have been
using the existing tapetype for EXB-8505, but those are only 5GB
tapes. The XL drive have 7GB tapes and we need all the space we can
get (took 7 dumps to get 10 servers).

So I ran the tapetype program and it produced this (with my own
comments, of course):

define tapetype EXB-8505XL {
   comment "Exabyte 8505XL tapes (works with Exabyte 10h changer)"
   length 9584 mbytes
   filemark 917280 kbytes
   speed 667 kps

1] I'm fairly certain these are 7GB tapes (and even gave -e 7g to
tapetype when I ran it). Why does tapetype come back saying they are

2] When I run Amanda with the new tape type, it dumps about 2GB on
each tape, not 5GB or 7GB or 9GB. Could this be because there was
already 5GB of data on the tape and now it's filling in the last two?
This is the second dump cycle on these tapes. Do I have to erase or
rewind the tapes or something between dump cycles to get it to use the
whole tape or does this mean that Amanda is having some other problem
with the tape or drive?



Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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