> i would like to extend my amanda backup capabitities to one of my DEC v5.1
> boxes.  the problem is it's running advfs.  I've downloaded the patch and
> tried to install it unsuccessfully for about a week now.  however, i've
> never used `patch` and i'm running into a wall on this one.
> could someone perhaps offer some assistance or point me to a website i could
> read up on the "patch" binary some more.  for example, DEC includes its own
> version of `patch`.  do i have to use gnu patch?  can i use the dec patch?

Though I've no idea of DEC's version of patch, but I'd recommend GNU

Then you do something like:
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzf /where/ever/you/stored/amanda-2.4.2p2.tar.gz
cd amanda-2.4.2p2
patch -p1 < /where/ever/you/lost/advfs-patch.diff

The -p option specifies the number of subdir levels to strip off in the
diff file, i.e. the might be something like:
+++ amanda-2.4.2p2/client/sendsize.c ...
--- amanda-2.4.2p2-orig/client/sendsize.c ...

So -p1 is to strip off the first level of subdir to apply the diff / to
patch client/sendsize.c.

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