Hi Chris,

> I'm backing up 77 filesystems on 25 different machines.
> My tape host is RedHat Linux but I've also used IRIX and Solaris servers.
I also have more than 32 filesystems altogether, but I have more than 32
filesystems for one single host. That's where the problem occurs. Do you
have this case as well without any failures?

> You've tried rearranging the order of disklist entries to see if there's
> a problem there?
I did not try rearrangement, but I commented out the directories which
are not so important at the moment (so that I'm backing up exactly 32
filesystems for this host), and then the missing filesystems root and
home ware backed up successfully without any problems. So this does not
look like a problem on the filesystems itself.

> If you're using dump for the backups can your dump handle directories?
> My HP-UX dump will only do filesystems.  My linux dump can do directories.
I use tar so this should not be ok.

Kind regards,

                                                       @ @

                                                    Urte Fuerst
        _/_/      _/         _/_/_/         German Aerospace Center DLR
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      _/   _/   _/         _/    _/         Institute of Aeroelasticity
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