Jon> Has anyone attempted to perform amanda backups on Solaris 8
    Jon> systems by first taking a static snapshot (new Sol8 feature) of
    Jon> the file system?

    Jon> I can see conceptually how it would be done.  But as the
    Jon> snapshots have a different device name and are mounted on a
    Jon> different directory I am concerned about the recovery/restore.

I discuss this in my administration course on Solaris 8 and in an article
about amanda.

Oh, hum, well, it is written in french. :-)

But I think it is not an issue in amanda since the names of the saved
files are relative to the partition. That is you dump the snapshot image
and restore in the original partition. Well, you have to trick the default
amrecover behaviour...

By the way, I think that the snapshot is the *right* way for the future :
1 - you have a snapshot of the running file system during all the backup ;
2 - you can use GNU tar without changing the access time and be able to
read again the data in 200 years because of the free data format of GNU tar.
With restore, if you do not have the right OS, be careful... :-(

Just need the new dump API, thus I'm not able to test it in the real
life right now...
    Ronan KERYELL              |\/
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