I upgraded the dump version but then i got the
following problem:

> amstatus NEWBREAK
Using /home/amanda/backup-logs/NEWBREAK/amdump from
Mon Dec  3 17:44:32 EST 2001

lenbkx0001:/                             1      64k
finished (17:50:25)
lenbkx0001:/apps                         1   62425k
wait for dumping
lenbkx0001:/export/data01                1    6112k
finished (17:49:24)
lenbkx0001:/export/data02                1      32k
finished (17:50:09)
lenbkx0001:/export/data03                1      32k
finished (17:48:54)
lenbkx0001:/export/data04                1      64k
finished (17:50:19)
lenbkx0001:/export/data05                1      32k
finished (17:49:01)
lenbkx0001:/export/data06                1     524k
wait for dumping
lenbkx0001:/export/data07                1   45299k
wait for dumping
lenbkx0001:/export/home                  1   18282k
dumping to tape (17:50:31)
lenbkx0001:/usr                          1   12050k
wait for dumping
lenbkx0001:/var                          1    1024k
finished (17:50:31)
lenbkx0005:/                             1      32k
finished (17:48:59)
lenbkx0005:/export/apps                  1      32k
finished (17:48:56)
lenbkx0005:/export/home                  1      64k
finished (17:49:04)
lnxsrv0001:/dev/hdc1                     1 [/sbin/dump
returned 3] (17:48:39)
lnxsrv0001:/dev/hdc5                     025555183k
wait for dumping
lnxsrv0001:/dev/hdc6                     1 [/sbin/dump
returned 3] (17:48:23)

SUMMARY          part     real estimated
                          size      size
partition       :  18
estimated       :  18           25710929k
failed          :   2              10617k           ( 
wait for dumping:   5           25675481k           (
dumping to tape :   1              18282k           ( 
dumping         :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) ( 
dumped          :  10     7488k     6549k (114.34%) ( 
wait for writing:   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) ( 
writing to tape :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) ( 
failed to tape  :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) ( 
taped           :  10     7488k     6549k (114.34%) ( 
3 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper writing, tapeq: 0
network free kps:     4258
holding space   :  2097152k (100.00%)
 dumper0 busy   :  0:01:40  ( 78.35%)
 dumper1 busy   :  0:00:56  ( 44.53%)
 dumper2 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.50%)
   taper busy   :  0:00:41  ( 32.20%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:06  (  5.09%)       
no-diskspace:  0:00:06  (100.00%)
 1 dumper busy  :  0:01:23  ( 65.46%)       
no-bandwidth:  0:00:42  ( 50.72%)
no-diskspace:  0:00:33  ( 39.63%)
not-idle:  0:00:08  (  9.65%)
 2 dumpers busy :  0:00:06  (  5.44%)       
no-diskspace:  0:00:06  ( 94.18%)
 3 dumpers busy :  0:00:30  ( 23.99%)         
start-wait:  0:00:30  ( 98.91%)

For some reason dump is dying an returning a
"/sbin/dump returned 3" message.

Any ideas so far?


 --- Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: >
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 at 1:45pm, José Vicente Núñez
> Zuleta wrote
> > > Are you using dump or tar on the Linux client? 
> What
> > > version, and what 
> > > distribution of Linux?  I've seen dump hang more
> > > than once...
> > 
> > I'm using dump, Linux Redhat 6.2.
> >
> > If dump hangs how can i fix it?
> > 
> You have two options:
> 1) Upgrade to the latest version of dump/restore
> from 
> <http://dump.sourceforge.net/> and hope that fixes
> it.
> 2) Switch your dumptype(s) to use GNUtar instead.
> For my systems, I tried 1 for a while, but then
> switched to 2 and have 
> been much happier ever since.
> -- 
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

System Engineer, José Vicente Nuñez Zuleta ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Newbreak System Administrator (http://www.newbreak.com)
Phone: 203-355-1511, 203-355-1510
Java 2 Certified Programmer
Java 2 Certified Developer

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