On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 02:46:42PM +1100, Jason Thomas wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 04:51:20PM -0500, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
> > * tapeio.
> could someone provide a summary of what tapeio is/provides/fixes?

Look at the "OUTPUT DRIVERS" section of the amanda man page.

Jean-Louis Martineau             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLE    Tel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529
Montreal, Canada, H3C 3J7        Fax: (514) 343-5834
       The  normal value for the tapedev parameter, or for what a
       tape changer returns, is a full path name to a non-rewind­
       ing  tape  device,  such  as  /dev/nst0 or /dev/rmt/0mn or
       /dev/nst0.1 or whatever conventions the  operating  system
       uses.    Amanda   provides  additional  application  level
       drivers that support non-tradition  tape  simulatation  or
       features.  To access a specific output driver, set tapedev
       (or configure your changer to return) a string of the form
       driver:driver-info  where  driver  is one of the supported
       drivers and driver-info is optional additional information
       needed by the driver.

       The supported drivers are:

       tape      This  is the default driver.  The driver-info is
                 the tape device name.  Entering /dev/rmt/0mn  is
                 really a short hand for tape:/dev/rmt/0mn.

       null      This  driver  throws away anything written to it
                 and returns EOF for any reads except  a  special
                 case  is made for reading a label, in which case
                 a "fake" value is returned  that  Amanda  checks
                 for  and  allows  through regardless of what you
                 have set in labelstr.  The driver-info field  is
                 not used and may be left blank:

                        tapedev "null:"

                 The length value from the associated tapetype is
                 used to limit the amount of data written.   When
                 the  limit  is reached, the driver will simulate
                 end of tape.

                 NOTE: this driver should only be used for debug­
                 ging  and  testing,  and  probably only with the
                 record option set to no.

       rait      Redundant  Array  of  Inexpensive  (?)    Tapes.
                 Reads  and  writes  tapes  mounted  on  multiple
                 drives by spreading the data across  N-1  drives
                 and  using  the  last drive for a checksum.  See
                 docs/RAIT for more information.

                 The driver-info field describes the  devices  to
                 use.   Curly  braces  indicate multiple replace­
                 ments in the string.  For instance:

                        tapedev "rait:/dev/rmt/tps0d{4,5,6}n"

                 would use the following devices:


       file      This driver emulates a tape device with a set of
                 files  in  a  directory.   The driver-info field
                 must be the name of an existing directory.   The
                 driver  will  test  for  a  subdirectory of that
                 named data and return offline until it  is  pre­
                 sent.   When  present, the driver uses two files
                 in the data subdirectory  for  each  tape  file.
                 One  contains  the  actual data.  The other con­
                 tains record length information.

                 The driver uses a file named status in the  file
                 device  directory to hold driver status informa­
                 tion, such as tape position.   If  not  present,
                 the  driver  will create it as though the device
                 is rewound.

                 The length value from the associated tapetype is
                 used  to limit the amount of data written.  When
                 the limit is reached, the driver  will  simulate
                 end of tape.

                 One  way  to  use this driver with a real device
                 such as a CD is to create a  directory  for  the
                 file  device  and  one or more other directories
                 for the actual data.   Create  a  symlink  named
                 data  in  the  file directory to one of the data
                 directories.  Set the tapetype length  to  what­
                 ever the medium will hold.

                 When  Amanda  fills  the file device, remove the
                 symlink and (optionally) create a new symlink to
                 another  data  area.   Use  a CD writer software
                 package to burn the image from  the  first  data

                 To  read  the  CD,  mount it and create the data
                 symlink in the file device directory.

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