Use tar not restore.

amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 fije /u3/mgmt | tar xfp -


On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Hussain Ali wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been using amanda without any problems for a while. I used to use
> dump but have switched to gnutar for dumps that are larger then the tape
> (ie using a more granular technique of direcotory partitioning )
> Now, it dumps fine, but i cannot recover the data that was archived via
> dump or gtar . I get the following error (for both gtarred and sumped
> disks):
> [root@fiji /tmp/tar 899]$ amrestore -p /dev/nrst0 fiji /u3/mgmt | restore
> ivbf 32 -
> amrestore: short file header block: 2048 bytes
> amrestore: WARNING: not at start of tape, file numbers will be offset
> amrestore:   0: reached end of tape: date Q
> Verify tape and initialize maps
> End-of-tape encountered
> Tape is not a dump tape
> note the tape is rewinded and "dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k count=1"
> AMANDA: TAPESTART DATE 20011130 TAPE normal-012
> the tape is good, ie it worked before i started using tar. from what i
> gather from the archives alot there are those who encountered these errors
> with gtar, but the seemed solved... now how do i go about it?
> thanks, in advance for any help...
> -Hussain
> ***** my environment:
> netbsd        1.5
> gtar  1.12
> amanda        2.4.2.p2
> ***** relevent amanda.conf:
> define dumptype mydir-nocompress {
>         comment "Mydir compress dump type"
>         compress none
>         program "GNUTAR"
>         index yes
> }
> **** relevant inetd.conf
> amanda          dgram   udp     wait    backup  /usr/pkg/libexec/amandad amandad
> amandaidx       stream  tcp     nowait  backup  /usr/pkg/libexec/amindexd amindexd
> amidxtape       stream  tcp     nowait  backup  /usr/pkg/libexec/amidxtaped 
> ***** screen shot (trying to to recover file that was "dump"ed not
> ***** "tar"ed)
> amrecover> add dmesg.boot
> Added /var/run/dmesg.boot
> amrecover> extract
> Extracting files using tape drive /dev/st0 on host
> The following tapes are needed: normal-012
> Restoring files into directory /tmp/tar
> Continue? [Y/n]: y
> Load tape normal-012 now
> Continue? [Y/n]: y
> Dec  3 11:19:47 fiji inetd[14799]: connection from,
> service amidxtape (tcp)
> Dec  3 11:19:48 fiji /netbsd: isp0: Bus 1 Target 3 at 10MHz Max Offset 8
> EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on
> amrecover: short block 0 bytes
> UNKNOWN file
> amrecover: Can't read file header
> extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
> Continue? [Y/n]: n
> amrecover> quit
> ** /tmp/amanda/amidxtaped
> amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 14799 ruid 32770 euid 32770 start time Mon Dec  3
> 11:19:47 2001
> amidxtaped: version 2.4.2.p2
> bsd security: remote host user root local user backup
> amandahosts security check passed
> > 6
> amrestore_nargs=6
> > -h
> > -p
> > /dev/st0
> > fiji
> > ^wd0a$
> > 20011130
> Ready to execv amrestore with:
> path = /usr/pkg/sbin/amrestore
> argv[0] = "amrestore"
> argv[1] = "-h"
> argv[2] = "-p"
> argv[3] = "/dev/st0"
> argv[4] = "fiji"
> argv[5] = "^wd0a$"
> argv[6] = "20011130"
> amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20011130 label normal-012
> amrestore: missing file header block
> amrestore:   1: reached end of tape: date 20011130
> amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 1
> Rewinding tape: done
> amidxtaped: pid 14799 finish time Mon Dec  3 11:19:53 2001

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