Check out the "RESERVE" parameter in amanda.conf. It specifies how much of
the holding disk can be used for "degraded mode" (no tape) dumps to the
holding disk. IIRC, it defaults to 30%. 

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 9:54 AM
> Subject: Full dump not running in dumpcycle days (FIXED and a 
> question)
> Hello all,
> I figured out what my issue was late last week so please 
> forgive in the
> delay in reporting my findings.  What I am doing is not 
> putting a tape in
> the drive, so that forces amanda to write my incrementals to 
> disk.  What
> appears to be happening is amanda will not run a full dump if 
> there is no
> tape in the drive.  It will fall back on an incremental though.
> Is this the desired behavior?  My fulls only require about 15G's
> currently.  My holding disk is 35G.  Why will amanda not 
> write a level 0
> if the holding disk has enough space?
> As always thanks for any insight.
> Andrew

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