In regards to the problem I posted on Wednesday, I've determined that the
permissions/modes didn't get set because the restore did not complete
properly, however amanda did not complain. This happened at the point
amrecover was done reading/recovering all records from tape, and ready to
start on the holding disk record. By running amrestore a second time and
using the setmodes command only, all the permissions/modes were restored.

I ran amrecover locally on the tape host to a local disk with the same
results so this doesn't appear to be network related.

I am also missing files. I tried restoring manually with amrestore on the
tape host piped over ssh to restore on the remote host (something I've
done to recover a dead machine with success) but got the same overall
results, but with a new error. I had to do the tape and holding disk
records seperately, and again the permissions/modes were not set at the
end of the restore from tape. When running amrestore on the record on the
holding disk, I received the following error :

extract file ./home/user/filename.txt

gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored
extract file ./home/user/filename2.txt
extract file ./home/user/filename3.txt
Changing volumes on pipe input?
abort? [yn] n
Segmentation fault

What I don't understand is why amanda is asking to change volumes when
there was only a single dump record. And what's the gzip error about? I
couldn't find anything in the mail archives on this either.

The command I used was :

ssh <tapehost> "amrecover -p <path to holding disk record> <host> <disk>
<datestamp>" | /sbin/restore -ivb 2 -f -

I've come to the conclusion that the record written to tape/disk is not
complete. Does anyone have any suggestions for determining what went
wrong? Again I'm using FreeBSD 4.4 RELEASE with amanda 2.4.2 and a DLT
8000 in a Qualstar 20 tape changer. Compression is done via gzip on the
tape host, and hardware compression is shut off on the drive. Everything
has been rock solid for a year and I've recovered a few disks and
individual files/directories just fine in that time. Your help is much


On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Chris Miller wrote:

> Hello,
>       I recently had to recover an entire disk from backup. Files were
> restored from one tape as well as a dump on the holding disk. Once
> complete, all directory ownership and permissions were set to root and
> 755. All files however were set appropriately. I'm using amanda2.4.2
> server on FreeBSD 4.4 RELEASE (recent O/S upgrade from 4.2 RELEASE, but
> did not upgrade amanda software) and amanda2.4.2 client on BSDi 4.1. I was
> unable to find any similar complaints in the email archives. Any ideas?
> Regards,
>         Chris

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