tar version 1.13 puts those extra numbers at the start of each entry.
These mess up the indexing.  Uprade to a later version.  I use 1.13.17
and 1.13.19 with no problems.

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- I have the index = yes setup in the conf file
- when i connect i get:
- 220 index/tape_server AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
- 200 Access OK
- Setting restore date to today (2002-01-02)
- 200 Working date set to 2002-01-02.
- 200 Config set to normal.
- 200 Dump host set to dagaz.site.edu.
- Can't determine disk and mount point from $CWD
- amrecover> setdisk /usr/local
- Scanning /var/backups/amanda...
- 200 Disk set to /usr/local.
- No index records for disk for specified date
- If date correct, notify system administrator
- in /var/amanda/index/host/disk/:
- -rw-------    1 amanda   bin       2968629 Jan  2 12:38 20011221_0
- -rw-------    1 amanda   bin        258910 Dec 21 16:41 20011221_0.gz
- -rw-------    1 amanda   bin         13409 Dec 21 14:39 20011221_1.gz
- -rw-------    1 amanda   bin        160235 Jan  2 16:33 20020102_1
- -rw-------    1 amanda   bin         15990 Jan  2 15:10 20020102_1.gz
- in 20020102_1
- (head)
- 07414661435/./var/amanda/gnutar-lists/dagaz.lib.unomaha.edu_usr_local_1
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/amcat.awk
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/amcat.awk.in
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/amplot.awk
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/amplot.g
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/amplot.sh
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/amplot.sh.in
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/Makefile
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/Makefile.am
- 07414664217/./amanda-2.4.2p2/amplot/Makefile.in
- so it looks like all the info is there but the server is not reading them
- ??
- btw
- server tar (GNU tar) 1.13.19
- client tar (GNU tar) 1.13
- thanks

-- Stephen Carville
UNIX and Network Administrator
Ace Flood USA

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